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New Members

Posted by Payton Vampknight on Wednesday, November 5, 2008, In : Vampire Info 
Hello visitors from Booksie. I'm extremly happy with this website! We can all thank our Male Leader vampknight. :) it was his fang-tastic idea. Alright, I'm also proud to annouce our first challenge! I especially like the idea. Remember all my little darklings I am more than happy to edit your posts! We are all together remember that, and that means as a whole we all help out one another.
I'd like to also let you know that I tend to be very easy going and stay up all hours of the night! Ha ha...
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Meet Your Vampire Counsler

Posted by Payton Vampknight on Wednesday, November 5, 2008, In : Vampire Info 

Sam316547: Vampire female ruler of the coven

If you need any help with writing ask Sam she is one of the best editors I know but can be a hard critic but she means it in the nicest way she helped my writing so much and she is the Vampire Counsler

I think that about covers it, I could say more but why? If there is something you'd like to know...FEEL FREE TO ASK! I don't bite

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About Me

Samantha Love Is a Promise You Can't Keep. To Answer all of those who are wondering...Yes I am Emo. (What was your first clue?lol.) and yes I have a history of Self-inflicted harm. but That's not who I am. I actually picked up the horrible habit before I even knew what an 'emo' was. The style just followed after. i've always liked dark things and i supoose it was only a matter of time. I don't hate the world and the only person I blame is me. The only one at fault. It's a choice, a horrible one i'm still fighting. So here I am...Samantha. Not the first. Not The last and certinely not the only. I'm 14 years old. I'm not much. I write and read. It's all I've ever wanted to do....For as long as I can remember. I recently took up poetry, though I'm not that great....From what most of you've said, I'm proud of the poems I've posted. I often times write depressive writting, not really on purpose but it's just sort of the diction in my words. Everything just seems to come out a bit depressing. I guess it's just how i am.. :) NO WORRIES though, if you know me, you've most likely learned that I'm beyond happy most of the time. I suppose you could call me breakable. It's the little things that make the world crash down, the little things that seem to take away my gravity. Currently I'm working on young adult novels. One day i hope to get them publish. I usually like to write Emo Love novels, and about dealing w/ depression and how love can change it all. I think i started off a bit on a bad note. I'm probably well known here for my Vampire works. PLEASE NO HATE. It's part of my goal to make them as oringal as possible, and it can be hard when there are so many Twilight copies out there. ppl shurg you off because the'yre afraid it'll be like like the rest. I'm almost over my vampire Phase. (Thank God.) and I'm moving on. I still love vampires I just need a fresh canvas I'm beginning to form plot patterens. I'm not addicted to Twilight. it's okay, but not my favorite book, and i'm sorry to everyone who's OCD, but I'm really sick of the Cullen fan girls. I don't like sterotypes, and I don't like judging people. Everyone is equal, everything deserves a chance. I've had a rough past and think it's plan rude to judge someone elses door step when your own is filthy. I don't hate hate myself, but I'm not my biggest fan.


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