Hello visitors from Booksie. I'm extremly happy with this website! We can all thank our Male Leader vampknight. :) it was his fang-tastic idea. Alright, I'm also proud to annouce our first challenge! I especially like the idea. Remember all my little darklings I am more than happy to edit your posts! We are all together remember that, and that means as a whole we all help out one another.
I'd like to also let you know that I tend to be very easy going and stay up all hours of the night! Ha ha. You may contact me any time you like. I don't bite. hard. My email is: xxbrokenvainxx@yahoo.com aand my user on Booksie is sam316547, most of you already know that. So anytime you need a hand or wish to speak to your beloved female leader, feel free to. I will post my myspace account url here in a little while and set the security levelk on low so all may see it. :) I'm looking forward to hearing from you all. I'd like to request that all of my fellow vampires eventually send me an email just so that I may add you as a contact. Yahoo has an issue of marking EVERYTHING as spam. When ever possible no rush.
Have a wonderous day!!! 