Showing category "Crossing Breeds" (Show all posts)

The Coven Novels

Posted by Payton Vampknight on Wednesday, November 12, 2008, In : Crossing Breeds 

Hay New members thanx for joining The Coven and I am all crossbreed counslers except witch vamps those go under DiceofChance Anyway I am Happy to Anounce that We have started the coven novels Sam316547 (Vampire Counsler) and I have made are own P.O.V of the coven and how it started and stuff and all members will be added when we get to the point of where you joined so first i need to know how you guys joined well all you have to do is simply write a short story of how you joined and we'll rea...

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WereVamp Member Page

Posted by Payton Vampknight on Wednesday, November 5, 2008, In : Crossing Breeds 

Vampknight:WereVamp Member male creator/ruler of the Coven

Any help or concerns or need to the pack or have problems with other pack members and is also  WereVamp counsler

Hello Members Yes I am the creator of the pack and Site, also thank you for joining the WereVamp Member Page  or crossing breeds page anywho I will have a new blog up every friday as well will all the other Counslers so have fun and inform your counslor if you did the challenge thank you...... OH one more thing ADVERTISE ...

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About Me

Vampknight or Payton Hello I'm Vampknight the creator of this site plz enjoy the music and socialize with other members we will have coven wars and olympics comming soon so plz join NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I like long walks on the beach.....just kidding really I love Halloween and anything like it I'm a big horror flick fan and want to be a movie writer and director I love rock some punk and for some reason I'm getting into rap anywho I can't list all of them right now because its 10:46pm but will later REMEMBER! CHECK WEEKLY BLOGS ON FRIDAYS!

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